Saturday, March 31, 2007
hi people. by popular demand, minister for communtiy development (i think) shall make a public speech.class camp was damn fun in my opinion. it started with the seemingly unending hike which was like walking from japan to tiong bahru but it ended after like 4 plus hours i think. i didnt see the point of walking so far at first but i found it quite fun in the end. and i loved the ride the cleaner gave ernest and i at the start of the hike! his vehicle is damn nice to drive (: the hike gave everyone the chance to bond together and talk. and i talked a bit to mr neo. i realised hes damn freaking lame but quite funny. hes super random and lame la. like really lame. ok i said that 3 times. i dont kneo how he does it but his jokes average 100/10. everyone should see him play kingkongkangkong and please-will-you-follow-me. you'll just roll on the floor and laugh till you die la. the hike was generally fine except for the rain which sucked cos a lot of our stuff got wet and there was a shortage of umbrellas. lorraine and rainer must have been slacking on the job.truth or dare after lunch was so boring cos we already knew all the answers the people were gonna say. haha. but since we were bored we just played it anyway and kamqi was damn mean la when we suggested playing "your ideal/worst.." and she said there would be only one answer for worst date (no prizes for guessing who). hahaha. we left for our camp after the rain stopped. MOE centre looked more like a school. so much for our 4 star rooms. haha. 25 of us managed to fit into a single room quite comfortably though.i was quite sad that i missed the games at night cos i heard it was quite fun :( ohwell. i reached back at the end only to hear the debrief. a lot of people went to sleep early while a few stayed up to talk. and even fewer stayed up at the corner of the room to do dunno what. hahaha :D as mentionhed by the past few post-ers, janice, kamqi, ernest and i stayed up till late to talk. i only can rmb a bit of what we talked about cos i was so tired. but i know we sang a bit. it was really high quality singing. i should have gone for singapore idol la. damn it. kaiqi really looks like a ghost at night. the first time she gave me the ghost look i died on the spot. really really scary. she can be the star for the next horror movie. the four of us went to sleep like the rest after a while and that was the end of our little discussion. we had to wake up freaking early the next morning. and while everyone was getting ready for breakfast, tan chen was still sleeping. what a great example for "leading by example". HAHA. we had to do four height stations after breakfast. i found it quite scary at first cos i've never been to obs before and it was my first time. so i waited for my moment of truth to rock climb. FOR A MOMENT LIKE THIS, i waited my entire lifetime thus far. haha. rock climbing is super super fun even though its tiring and i fell off near the end. i cant wait to do it again next time (: it rained shortly after that and so we went for lunch. the food is actually quite ok surprisingly. we had to clean up the room and pack everything nicely before finally leaving the camp to head back to rj. during our final debrief, mr neo cracked a joke while we were discussing on where to go for class outing.kaiqi: so you guys want to go to vivo, town or j8?everyone: errr....andrewneo: go tiong bahru la!victor was laughing non-stop at him. then when it was finally time to leave, we said bye to mr neo chee tiong. chee byed back at us. then few of us remainding (cos many people had to leave for one reason or another) went to the canteen to slack. after slacking for damn long, we decided to go to j8 to eat a bit. weizhong left us after walking to j8 so only meiyi, linxi, kaiqi, victor and i were left. we ate a bit at coffeebean first. i was trying to enjoy my cheesecake but it was being torn apart by everyone else :( meiyi had to leave to meet her friends and linxi had dinner with the trackers so the rest of us met up with janice and gekmin to have dinner at cafe cartel. we had a joking competition which i obviously won cos i cracked the aboslutely funniest joke in the first round and thrashed everyone else :) but ernest and victor had some pretty good jokes too. esp the turtle joke from victor. hahaha. i headed home at around 8 plus and i knocked out immediately. couldnt even stay awake on the train. i think the rest of them hung around for a while more.i cant wait for the next class outing or class chalet in june! i hope everyone can make it. all 28 of us! i think so5b is really great and fun (: its the best class ever. and our ct is fun too. haha but many people have warped opinions of him. take a look at what linxi said just now: linxi: hahha he (mr neo) never bond with the girls one lalinxi: im so jealous hahahasamuel: hahaha i shall copy this downlinxi: ehlinxi: hahalinxi: i really think he's gay but nvmmr neo is damn talented la linxi cant you see alr. hes a stand-up comedian, a photographer, a teacher and also a sit-down comedian. not to mention Neo's THE ONE (from the matrix). ok that wasnt funny but just laugh anyway pls.a follow-up on kai "ghost" qi's post,andrew neo: i won't give you a lift (leaf) already.samuel: nevermind lah, i go and pluck from the trees outside.when i got off the cab to go for my match this was what happened through sms, andrew neo: make sure you win (:samuel: i'll try my best. thanks for the lift.andrew neo: its okay its just a leaf samuel: -______-hmm i wonder whose joke is worst la ghost! anyway its bed time for the minister alr. i hope i get re-elected during the next elections (: omg what a coincidence, my itunes just played "because of you" by kelly clarkson. time to rest my fingers and exercise my mouth now :D see you guys in school!
skang @ 11:13 pm
I LOVE O8SO5B! :Dwah kamqi's n weizhong's posts supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer long! but class camp REALLY ROCKED BIG TIME! and DONT WE LOVE MR NEO! he's a freaking happening and fun ct man! i totally have a different impression of him since the start of the year, when he was strict and stern and so mr-neoish. i still remembered when i first walked into the class he say my hair too long. rahhh. teachers who mix well with students and understand them, their different characters and behaviour will be much more loved than go-by-the-book teachers la. wheres the fun in teaching and learning when everything is so serious rite! but i tink me and ernest were MAYBE a little too rude. no offence mr neo! its all in the name of fun! neo neo pok!activities! guess what! we were lucky enough to play the fun version of country game. my friend's camp was the first one to play. and they were guinea pigs so the game wasnt fun at all. so we were playing the newly improved version! i think that the highlight of the game was THE SELLER! HAHAHAHAHHA! i forgot his name but he was the cowboy hat teacher with red specs and uh looks abit like me (thanks ar janice and rainer). he freaking came up to us and say: 'sir, please buy from me sir. i have children to feed at home sir.' then he wanted to sell us random stuff like broomsticks (he say from harry potter) and some blue plastic sheet. we asked him use the sheet for what. he wrapped it around his body, bend down, and STARTED FLAPPING!! HAHAHA ME RAINER N ERNEST JUST FELL TO THE FLOOR LAUGHING! oh ya and when we were doing the 6contacts point game, i was at the bottom of the taupok, when my lungs were being crushed, he came over and SELL HIS ROPE WHICH CAN STAND! HAHA no more breath to laugh already la!the high element activities were okay only. because most of us do before in obs so kinda not fun anymore. but the challenge pole was still mentally challenging. i din make it but congrats rainer! still can do pull ups ar. but flying fox was dam funny la. becuz me and rainer were slacking away in the aircon room when our group when for the briefing, we decided to just go for the jump. then my group left me and rainer hanging there for a while to teach us a lesson. SORRY GROUP 2! next time wont do it again okay! pls forgive us!okay thats it from me! blog pple!
victor @ 10:18 pm
mr neo and his godsons. HAHA. class camp was funnn. read my blog for details :)

cranky @ 8:49 pm
woohoo how was camp! :) for me it was great. during the camp itself i didn't feel great but the after effects were great. some good memories for us to keep, i guess.
i'm gonna create a poll soon, haha. just for the fun of it. a how-was-class-camp-for-you poll. :)
i'm too lazy to blog again about class camp. maybe i should just rip some parts off my blog:
" began with us being dropped off at buona vista. we had to figure our way out to labrador park with maps provided. we were supposed to go in 2 groups per class, but we just ended up walking together with 3D. all the time it was just walking, stoning, walking, talking. quite a peaceful walk. :) then it started to rain halfway, but stopped as we were approaching labrador. stopped somewhere near a beach and the organisers gave us a few hours for class bonding. free and easy. so after having our lunch, we decided to play 'truth or dare' since we couldn't play outdoors because of the rain. since "what is said in the circle remains in the circle", i can only say that this 'truth or dare' session revealed quite a lot of things about our class. not that we didn't know about those previously, but they have been said out blatantly this time. and it remains to be seen how these things will turn out. ;)"and zhenggang's fortune telling totally sucked! I DON'T BELIEVE LAH PLEASE. "walked to our camp site. the place was an old school site. quite innovative of MOE to construct an adventure learning centre out of it. our class of 25 (yucong and haoyang were absent and weizhi left halfway) decided to all squeeze into one room! :D which had 20 beds. hmm not bad! 3D split up into one room of girls and another room of guys. not that we weren't given the choice to split, we just wanted to stay together! :) when i walked past 3D's rooms of girls and guys i just felt so happy(?) about our class. haha. trust and openness. i think everyone was comfortable with that. (but perhaps they regretted when night came and some people couldn't sleep cause of the noise, haha)
"most of us didn't wash up because there was still night activity. cooked dinner. wow cooking for a class is difficult man. all i could do was cook maggie mee. applause to people like lorraine and syaz for cooking the sweet potato soup! :D shared a mess tin with janice. watched how the guys fooled around. by the way, ernest and victor said many things to andrewneo which, under normal circumstances, would have gotten them 10 white slips each. but andrew neo was really really sporting and friendly; he just laughed with them and treated them like "godsons". this just proves my earlier point that he actually loves the guys' nonsense. he acts like one of us now, haha. he knows about our class scandals, and he knows our nicknames for one another. "i think your parents must love you very much." -him to ernest. he really loves them lah. i think this camp was more like a bonding session between him and the class, haha.
"samuel kang left with andrew neo halfway because he had a match to play. cleared up and played night activity after slacking in our room for a while. the night activity was really "one of a kind". never played it before. we were divided into 2 groups per class again. weiren could tell i was really tired because i was stoning before the game started and lorraine agreed. so i decided to switch out of my hibernation mode and start going crazy. whoa a lot of adrenaline used up. went high over the possibility of doing a taupok. irritated by the instructor during helium pole. had fun during spider web carrying people. had great fun trying to retrieve the papers. actually the whole game was quite fun! we collaborated between groups too! hee i like that. but the ending of the game was -_____-. we killed so much brain cells trying to think of a way to win the other class (transfer everything to one country and the other country better at arm wrestling would go and invade other countries), in the end the game just ended. like, just ended without saying who won and without us even knowing what was going on. haha. but it was really fun seeing how our class was so cooperative, taking papers for the other group and lending each other poles and ropes. :) stupid game but fun. :D we were debriefed and asked to rate our class bonded-ness. our average is around 7 or 8/10. :) i was surprised at what rainer brought up during the discussion (because i didn't know it could come out of his stall-13-auntie's mouth) and i agree with it. we are generally happy with how the class is now, but i guess there is always room for improvement, and some people can try moving out of their comfort zone. skang came back! he won his match. :) well done man, balakrishnan.
"bathed. pigged out. chatted. i went to sleep for a while. power nap. woke up and some people were already sleeping. formed a chatting group on the mattresses on the floor with janice ernest and skang which lasted till 2+ i think. talked about the "catalyst" and the issue(?). talked a little about another thing emerging too. ernest and janice came up with a solution that skang and i promised to try to help in. actually it's none of our business haha. anyway after that we started turning violent. omg lord of the flies. i don't appreciate being beaten ok. but i appreciate beating people up. so i was being called a ghost lah. and skang and ernest had to be revived so many times? then skang started singing kelly clarkson's songs! HAHA his voice was the worst i've ever heard! "a moment like thisssss..." "since you've been goneeeeee!" (no.1 hit of the day) he woke people up with his loud and super off-tuned singing. or maybe it was our laughter. sincere apologies to people who had been woken up by us. it was just too funny. ernest had to do a remix. hahaha FREESTYLE! after much laughing, we were quite tired already and slept. it was so cold at night! they didn't provide us with blankets. luckily, smart people like me brought along sleeping bags. but stupid people like skang didn't and just kept pulling the sleeping bag over to his side. selfish bala. we want to strip him of his minister title already!
"woke up a few times in the night. then morning came and the kids at the camp site totally woke us up with their cheers and singing omg. urrrgh. before we knew it, it was 7 already. what happened to waking us up at 5.30 to watch sunrise, big bird?!?! didn't feel like waking up at all. washed up. we threw pillows at tanchen to wake him up. he was emo throughout the camp lah. even andrew neo noticed it. had breakfast. started high elements at station 1 the rock wall. it was fun! the rock wall was easier than rgs and obs rock wall. i reached the top yeaaa. quite a lot of people reached it too! weizhong did too! some people even did it at the most challenging lane. yeaa good job! andrew neo became our class photographer. :) the instructors said that he's a very on ct. :D on class must have on ct what. haha. moved on to station 2 absailing. i anyhow walked down the wall haha. my hands felt so hot even with the gloves on. the most enjoyable time was spent in the waiting room crapping with classmates. the barbie girl duet with ernest was the best song of the day, hahaha! but he was barbie and i was ken. his voice can be damn high lah. next station: zipline/flying fox. wooooooo fun! because no strength was required! you just needed to step off and fly down! haha. victor tried to jump down and the instructor was trying to stop him by holding him tightly. then victor was like, "why you keep holding me?!" haha that was quite funny! in the end he still jumped. after my turn i went down to be part of the trolley party. we were all waiting for weizhong's turn because we were anticipating his screams. but he didn't! and we were so proud of him! :D we even helped a few 3D people down. yeaaaa flying fox was a fun station. we watched the other half of the class at the pole challenge. i was quite glad the rain came and our group didn't have to do it. it seemed pretty impossible to reach the pole. only rainer did it and he still did some pull-ups on the pole haha. some people got ropeburnt. for those who had fear of heights, good try! overcoming the fear takes time. there'll surely be a next time and remember, courage!"alright enough ripping. heh. sorry i'm too lazy to write something else, maybe next time. it's enough blogging for a day.
everyone, please try to post about class camp! even if it's a one or two-liner. :) share your experiences and sentiments!
ok a stupid joke to end this off:
andrew neo: i won't give you a lift (leaf) already.
samuel: nevermind lah, i go and pluck from the trees outside.
not funny right? ok not funny. adios!
kaiqi @ 6:28 pm
Friday, March 30, 2007
HAHA. EARTH HOUR SOUNDS FUN! but then i can't live without my, linxi said that class blog is dying. so i'm blogging! yay!Class campI saw lorraine sitting outside the canteen as i was going for breakfast. so i ask why is she sitting there instead of going into the canteen.Lorraine: We are taking a break first before breakfast.i think mr neo found that funny.Anywayz, I did the zheng gang version of love fortune-telling for stacy twice during the camp. the same guy turned up for quite a few of the questions both times. and that guy's in our class....hmm....u noe who u r lah horh? haha..we did the fortune-telling for the guy and stacy keeps turning up too! hee...okie, sorry stacy. at least i never tease openly. heh..but then some aspects of that fortune-telling thingie is flawed lah. how is it possible for me to have retarded children?? like no matter which guy i'm with, i'll have at least one retarded child??? at least my fate isn't as bad as kamqi's lah horh...haha. oops...shld be tan......*shhh*actually i'm rather dead now. kinda blogging for the sake of blogging. hmm...i still shall use green! green is a nice color!samuel blog leh. i like ur entries. unlike boring. X(
Anonymous @ 11:23 pm
Class Adventure Camp 2007
We love Truth or Dare, don't we. We play it all the time on class outings, seemingly undeterred by the need to come up with fresh questions for constantly recycled game partners. The sessions invariably turn into those in which the unlucky are forced to reveal the names (or, for those unwilling to disclose the full names, the first letters of the names) of their crushes/ideal dates/those in a certain group whom they think are pretty, etc. However, if you join in one of these rather frequent sessions, you'll find that I'll be sitting out, as I did yesterday.
What made half an hour of meditation facing the sea preferable to a laughter-filled bonding session with the class was the undesirable-enough thought of being asked about my "love interests", or anything to that effect, during the game. It's not so much about guarding my privacy any more so much as the fuzziness of it all. That bit of preoccupation with her over the weekend, that vividly non-platonic high encountered on her first appearance, the strong, inexplicable urge to reach out and hold her hand, the regret that wells up on my not doing so—at what stage does an obsession become a crush? I don't wish to have to make a concrete classification and to be pressed about my classification standards, and thus I'd rather not have to answer questions posed on my "love interests".
Bracketed from reality
The class camp that transpired yesterday and today (Thursday and Friday) as I encountered it can be best described as a dream, from which I was rather reluctant to wake up.
For one, the camping experience at the adventure centre was just so detached from reality. For the short two-day period, I stopped worrying about tutorials and homework, about chasing after a beautiful A Level cert and about all the things that characterise school life—for the short two-day period, I got to concentrate on enjoying myself and finding out about the lives of all of you. As well, my state of mind and emotions were rather different from those I experience when I go to school.
But what makes dreams dreams is the waking-up process. After the camp drawn to a close, I walked out of the Library block along the corridor connecting the Library block and the Canteen block. I saw the familiar mini-canteen, and for some reason, I was reminded of the stress and cares of school life—that's when I distinctly felt reality's crashing down on me. In a few seconds, I lost that altered, peaceful state of mind that was with me during the camp, one which was soon replaced with an acquainted sense of apprehension about the future. It was vaguely painful feeling the transition from camp experience to school life; I can only be thankful that I don't have to return to school the day after the camp.
Perhaps what was a dream to me was, to you, an experience that was continuous with reality. Perhaps I stress out too much in school, such that the camping experience was bracketed out by my subconscious as some sort of a temporary discontinuity from normal life.
Whatever it is, I enjoyed my dream thoroughly. I hope you enjoyed the two-day experience as well.
Class adventure camps
As you would recall, in an attempt to bond the RJC J1 classes together to induce a conducive learning environment later, the administration pioneered the two-day class adventure camp for all the J1 classes. There are Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday slots spanning March to August(?) 2007 available for booking. The camp will be held at various campsites like Sarimbun, Pulau Ubin and Labrador Adventure Centre. Two classes will share a common slot and attend the same camp together. Attendees would be excused from all lessons for the duration of the camp.
Our wonderful CT was kiasu enough to make a booking early so that we can secure a slot that we prefer. We held a class meeting, and it was decided that we take a slot earlier in the year to minimise the impact of the camp on our academics. We would also book a Thursday-Friday slot so that we could rest over the weekend.
It turned out that our class, less Yu Cong and Hao Yang—26 people in total—attended our class adventure camp from 29 March to 30 March 2007. It was held at MOE Labrador Adventure Centre, with 08S03D sharing the campsite with us. According to the teachers, among the J1 classes, us and 3D were the only classes using this campsite.
Free time abounds
The organisers of the camp gave us a lot of free time throughout the activities. There was structured occupation of our time only during the mass game on the first night, and our actual participation in the ropes course held in the morning. At other times, we were free as a class to engage in various activities, be it card games, (inane) group games like Truth or Dare, a hike, washing-up, preparation of dinner or cleaning-up. We were also free while we waited for our turn to attempt the high elements. This reminded me of our OBS course, during which activities ended as early as 4 pm in the afternoon for us to travel to our campsite, pitch our tents and have our dinner.
The amount of free time we were given also reminded me of my Sec 3 GEP Malaysia Trip. The teachers, being ambitious about the learning objectives of the trip, planned locations that were too far apart and wound up in our spending a lot of time on travelling—I didn't like the trip very much because of this. But as I came back to Singapore and did my blogsurfing, I realised that there were people who enjoyed themselves thoroughly because of how they were able to turn the travelling time into opportunities to have fun with batchmates.
So despite the lack of mental stimulation a walk in south-westerly Singapore per se would provide, I didn't find the walk boring as I grabbed the opportunity to chat (mainly) with Qiongye, Weiren, Kaiqi and Mr Neo.
Whenever free time is incorporated in large quantities in a camp or trip, how enjoyable the experience becomes really depends on the individual and the dynamics of the group. This is not to say that you should blame yourself if you didn't enjoy our camp; on the contrary, I wish to point out that some individuals and groups are more suited than for turning free time together into splendid quality sessions, and are therefore more likely to like how they planned our camp this time round.
The day started easy, I guess, with a session in Seminar Room 1 to review our particulars. After that, we were due to meet at 8.50 am near one of the first-storey function rooms in the Library block for a briefing. While waiting for that, I was obsessing over distancing myself from Weiren, lest Mr Neo label us as 'good friends' and separate us from each other for Project Work. Weiren insisted that I find out about Mr Neo's grouping criterion, something which I did while waiting. We eventually launched into a discussion about Project Work.
In the function rooms, we were briefed on the objectives of the camp and introduced to the people running it. We got a hint of the lax disciplinary standards that were enforced later (I'm not complaining), although the kind of wackiness some of the instructors (especially Shopkeeper Tan) possessed only surfaced itself later. The group did a simple personality profile, which was utterly incongruent with the rest of the camp's activities, but I suppose a little warming-up doesn't harm.
The hike
After that, it was off to Labrador Adventure Centre—well, not really. The bus dropped us off at some random junction near NUS, and that was when we were told to make our way to the lunch point at Labrador Park. By foot. With one quarter of an NParks-supplied map per hiking group. (Each class was split into two hiking groups, so there were four hiking groups in sum.)
But the nice thing with first-time-run camp programmes is that some of the planners' objectives might not always be fulfilled. We may have been supposed to be challenged with finding our way to Labrador Park with a section of the map. But as all four hiking groups were dropped off at the same location at the same time, we happily combined the sections of our maps and, with the expertise and experience of our scouts Eugene and Wei Zhi as tools to find the way and as reassurance, set off as one giant group.
We spent about three to four hours walking around and striving to reach our lunch point (where, as Mr Koh explained, we eat). We had, as well, an intermediary goal of finding our way to various checkpoints in Kent Ridge Park. I never really bothered about planning the route we had to take, and so my energy was mostly consumed in the walking and the conversations with whoever was around.
It was fabulous finding out about the lives of Mr Neo and all of you. For example, for once, Qiongye became more than someone to supply hugs and kisses, more than someone who is a composite of idiosyncrasies the class makes fun of. In our discussion, I came to perceive that he has a life and direction towards which he drives his life. We conducted a discussion regarding Art Education, with respect not just to the technicals but also to his perception of Art Education's being a very special and personal form of education as compared to those involving the sciences.
One of the facilitators sat us down in front of one of the exhibits in Kent Ridge Park, and conducted a spontaneous lesson on the park's relation to the twentieth-century history of Singapore. I appreciate the short refresher on our past, especially since the knowledge from Mr Lester Lim's whiteboard-mutiliating history lessons have been buried deep in my brain.
After the conversations, the short break for group photography and camwhoring, the canopy walk, the Chinese lessons from Lin laoshi (Janice), the walk along Pasir Panjang Road in the rain—after all that, we found ourselves at Labrador Park. The rain stopped a short while before we arrived, which was at about 2.00 pm.
Labrador Park
After having our packet lunch, it started raining again, and 5B adjourned to a pavilion for shelter. Truth or Dare came up as an option to spend our class time, and it was, for some reason, accepted—even with Mr Neo around. I conveniently excused myself to the toilet, and delayed my return by reading the exhibits along the way.
Shopkeeper Tan came and walked me to the 5B pavilion, and in his eccentric way of saying things, asked about the game we were playing. After I found out that they allowed dares to take place (and in fact made it compulsory for every third victim), and keeping in mind the unvoiced pressure from Shopkeeper to stay with my class, I joined the game. I was told that Mr Neo was game enough to answer questions, although he had the choice to refuse answering a question. After a while, though, they changed it to some "ideal date confession" game. So much for variation.
Half an hour of facing the sea in the rain—to get away while 5B indulged themselves—wasn't as bad as it sounded. I didn't feel any sense of calm distinctly just because I was facing the sea, but I didn't feel too bored either. With the exception of a few anglers slacking in a nearby pavilion, the immediate vicinity of the park was completely devoid of people. The thoughts that were going through my mind were only disrupted by 5B's occasional uproar, which they made presumably because someone said something especially scandalous.
Actually, independent of my averseness to participate in their games, I appreciate 5B's playing the games that they play. Romantic tension underlies some of our interactions, and such games tend to flash them out. Being aware of the romantic undercurrents contributes to our interpersonal awareness (which, to those concerned about the lives of their friends, is in itself a fulfilling thing) and heightens our sense of identity.
Apparently, even they had to admit at some point that enough was enough, and they stopped the game. I joined the group once again, and somehow the people I ended up talking to were the same few people I've been talking to since the start of the camp—people like Kaiqi, Qiongye and Mr Neo. Mr Neo opined, among other things, on the state of the Economics department in RJC. The rain stopped as we were talking.
A signal to us to proceed to the campsite was given, and soon it was another walk to Labrador Adventure Centre. This time, the walk was shorter, and we took at most half an hour to walk to the campsite.
Labrador Adventure Centre
The lavishness of the MOE headquarters failed to hint correctly at the state of its campsites. As soon as I entered the campsite, I saw gates with antiquated designs, roads which were uneven, buildings which were dilapidated—in short, the campsite is really old and in bad condition. I just hoped that the ropes that they were going to use during the ropes course were in better condition than the campsite.
3D and 5B walked past the primary schoolkids, who were engaging in their activities, from West Grove Primary and stopped in front of the two-storey dormitory block. The facilitators, cool as cucumbers, announced that there was one 20-bedded room for each of the two classes. Immediately, sounds of genuine disgust from the thought of sharing rooms with guys piped out from some of the girls. The facilitators went on to explain that the classes could make arrangements to separate ourselves by gender, but ended up giving one key to each class anyway. Instructions were given for us to collect additional mattresses as needed from a separate room.
How the facilitators acted—arranging for the guys and girls to sleep in the same room by default—was characteristically different from the stance taken by the school with respect to accomodation in camps. For the RJCO camp, the CO exco thought it unnecessary to split the rooms by gender, but the school barred guys and girls from sharing a room for the night. Moreover, I always thought that teachers were uptight, paranoid people who would disallow arrangements like having a gender mix in the same room for the night. (In any case, as I'll elaborate on later, I do believe that we were all the better with all of 5B sleeping in one room.)
We unpacked and washed up, and soon we had some fun preparing dinner by ourselves. It seems that the people who went out to buy food cared enough to include vegetables in our diet. Therefore, we had, as raw materials, some bok choy, some canned food (tuna, mushrooms, sardines) and thirty packs of assorted flavours of instant noodles. And we set out to cook with a wok, twenty messtins, one pot and four gas stoves.
I took the session as a continuation of my on-and-off endeavour to learn how to cook. Thanks to the lack of Home Econs as a subject in RI, I was completely ignorant about the relation between the taste of instant noodles and its preparation process. Well, now I know that you're supposed to put the noodle cake in only after the water boils vigorously to preserve the taste of the noodles.
Things got momentarily tense as some of the guys went against this fundamental principle and went head to insert the noodle cake before the water was boiling. Other than that, things were generally calm. We switched methods here and there, but got everything cooked anyway, and quite nicely too.
Thanks to Wynne, Linxi, Gek Min and all the other amazing people for fixing dinner and ensuring that we're all well-fed for the night! And to Lorraine, too, for preparing dessert (sweet potato soup) for us and Mr Neo.
Samuel and Mr Neo left at some point after dinner, and the rest of us had some time to ourselves. Soon, we had the night activity, one of the two major structured activities for the camp.
Go Ligu!
The rules for the game are so convoluted I won't bother to elucidate them in full. Essentially, our facilitators came up with this original mass game that involved thought, planning, teamwork and physical activity, expressed in a major game and several smaller 'quests'. By accomplishing tasks that themselves required physical and mental effort, we were supposed to gain enough money to 'purchase' materials to build a structure enabling someone to reach into a circle in which no one could step to pick up some slips of paper. Of course, there were plenty of other complications, like going to war, forming alliances, and well, the opposition.
Yours truly was selected to be the prime minister of one of the four countries, but stepped down to Samantha a few minutes into the game. Actually, I didn't make it expressly clear that I wanted to step down; upon learning about the goals of the opposition, I said that I didn't really care, and that the opposition could do whatever they wanted. And then Samantha took over. Might as well: since Samantha doesn't have any leadership roles in the class, this is our chance to see her leadership style.
The game continued for about two hours, and for me, it was filled with laughter and various pleasant surprises. For one, Rainer went against my expectations to exclaim "Oh my penis!" (as opposed to "oh my dick!" and the like) when the sexual faculty was endangered by the weight of the people towering on him—his exclamation was surprisingly civilised.
I enjoyed the game, but it ended so much like a bridge game—so anticlimactically—that it left no aftertaste. Oh well. We sat down as a class in a circle for about forty-five minutes for a debrief on the day's activities, during which we were asked to rate the strength of the class bonding, before we were given free time to have supper and turn in.
Post-night activity
After much tension and hard feelings with the facilitators of the primary school campers (it all cleared up in the end), we finally secured supper in two trays of mini-curry puffs. We brought it upstairs, and I was talking to Eugene over whether we should indulge in curry puffs at this time of the day (that is, near midnight). It seems that Eugene's rather health-conscious too. But each of us ate three curry puffs in the end.
Overnight school camps reduce me to a little boy sometimes, especially in the domain of bathing. It took lots of pressure from various quarters (to quote Wynne: "There's no pressure on you to say 'yes' or anything.") to overcome my reluctance to enter the shower, but I did anyway, at 1.00 am.
Well, that was followed by a brief session of quiet observation of the class in the room. For any of you who are curious, I was really just looking at the dynamics between people as you interacted among yourselves. By that time, the lights were off, and 70% of the people were sleeping, so I was just looking at the remaining 30% who were awake—for example, Meiyi and Stacy, the former of whom was supposedly predicting the latter's love.
I eventually turned in at 1.30 am, and woke up at 7.00 am. Plans to watch the sunrise didn't materialise as we woke up after sunrise, and as our view was blocked by the towering buildings around, unlike in Labrador Park.
After breakfast, we proceeded for our high elements, the second structured activity for the camp.
High elements
We split into groups for our high elements, and I was in the group that completed rock-climbing, abseiling and zipline. Mr Neo stepped in and used Lorraine's camera to act as our resident photographer. By this second morning, many people were considerably tired, and were seen conking out in the holding room for the abseiling station.
The high elements were fine, I guess, if slightly boring. We had a rock climbing course in our Sec 4 year in RI, so rock climbing wasn't that foreign. But it was still rather thrilling to be able to reach the top after getting stuck in the middle, even if I depended slightly on the tension of the belaying rope during my ascent. I had a chance at playing each of the roles in the climbing system, and I think most people did, too.
My group had to wait quite a bit for the abseiling station. Ernest and company had lots of fun trying to teach Mr Neo the psychomotor games Kingkong Kangkong and Please Will You Follow Me. Victor almost got a white slip for bidding goodbye to Mr Neo the way he did. But overall, during the wait, the energy level was really quite low.
I went after Kaiqi for the abseiling station. Despite doing it once before in P5, fear still arrested me a bit. But during my descent, I was composed enough to respond to some people's "Go Wei Zhong!"—that's better than my previous experience, but that's probably because I'm much older now. I'll probably never abseil again, so I needn't worry too much about how I coped independent of treating it as another experience of dabbling in something.
The rain almost stopped me from completing the zipline, but it abated in time for the station to continue operating for a while more. The inertia to stay on the platform when I was due to step off was really strong. I probably couldn't have stepped off without a slight push from the instructor. The descent down the steepest drop among my three zipline experiences was nothing like those in my thought experiments; I don't think I have a word for the momentary high I experienced. But what a pity—there wasn't much of a scenery to speak of at the adventure centre, unlike at the Ubin campsite of OBS.
After my descent and when I was helping out with the trolley, it started pouring, and the operators for the trolley heeded for shelter while the instructor closed the zipline station. The other 5B group's challenge pole activity was also rudely interrupted by the downpour.
Lunch, cleanup, back to reality
We convened in the canteen for lunch, and did a brief cleanup of the campsite. By this time, Tan Chen was missing, but his things were found all over the place. The cleanup all happened too quickly, and before I knew it, I found myself seated beside Weiren on the bus journey back to RJC.
In one of the first-storey function rooms, Mr Koh did a quick debrief, during which he talked about the reason for which we didn't get to try the challenge poles—that some members of the other class tried things twice and delayed the whole schedule. He said that things would have been perfect were it to start pouring half an hour later, although some people in the class would rather have not attempted this seemingly intimidating station.
And of course, Mr Neo ended the camp acting his usual self and cracked all of us up with his self-references.
I walked out of the function room alone, and didn't like the transition from the camp mood to the school mood. But things that have to change have to change.
And being your Physics rep, I collected $16.00 worth of Physics notes at the photocopying shop, leaving behind another $20.20 worth of notes, which I didn't have enough money to collect. It seems that I'm better off as your Physics rep than your Prime Minister.
What next?
-issues: reminder of sparkc incident, chalet, guy-girl same room - further discussion
-read and vet
Wei Zhong @ 10:16 pm
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
EARTH HOUR - 7.30pm to 8.30pm - Saturday March 31, 2007
Earth Hour is a fabulous opportunity for you and your family to do
something about climate change. On one night, in one hour, more will be
done, more will be demonstrated, and more will be learned than through a
hundred 'talk-fests'. And you can help make it happen.
What is Earth Hour?
It sounds simple, but it is very, very dramatic. At 7.30pm on March 31st
2007, we will be encouraging companies, government departments,
individuals and families to turn off their lights for just one hour. If
we meet our objectives during the first Earth Hour, the savings in green
house gas emissions will be the equivalent of taking 75,000 medium sized
cars off the road for one whole year! Now that's something worth doing.
The facts are alarmingly clear:
* The climate is changing! The 10 hottest years on record have
occurred since 1990. In fact 2005 was the hottest year since record keeping
* More than 95% of the Great Barrier Reef will have been destroyed
by 2050 if carbon dioxide emissions aren't reduced. (WWF-International)
* One million species worldwide are facing extinction due to
climate change.
But not everybody listens to the facts. Earth Hour is your opportunity
to demonstrate how a simple change in our way of life could change, and
help save, our planet.
The goals of Earth Hour:
Households : Most of us use unnecessary electricity. Appliances on
standby, old style light bulbs, lights left on when we're not using
them. Earth Hour will help us all to realise just how simply we can make
a dramatic impact upon global warming (and our own power bills). We will
see it in action.
Companies : We want companies to be involved. If every company turned off
its lights when the buildings weren't in use, and
combined it with energy saving technology, we would save between 2 and 4
million tonnes of greenhouse gasses every year. Earth Hour will show
companies just how easy that is.
To make it an annual event : Out of the 8,766 hours in a year, let's
give one back to the earth.
What you can do:
Sign up to Earth Hour and Pledge to turn off your lights on March 31st
from 7.30pm to 8.30pm by logging onto
You will receive all the information you need to make Earth Hour a great
success (and to cut your own energy bills in the long term). Pledging is
Get off standby : Turn off all the electronic equipment and appliances
in your home that are not being used or are on standby. Computers,
televisions, stereo equipment, phone chargers, DVD or video equipment.
Tell a friend : Spread the word about earth Hour by involving your
friends, family and workmates. Get them to pledge at and
most importantly, turn off the lights at 7.30pm Saturday 31 March 2007.
Spread the word - Once you have signed up for Earth Hour tell a friend;
spread the word at work; tell your boss; mention it at school, at your
local sports club or society group, you can even run it past your
Make it an event. Get your family and friends to switch off their lights as
Take some binoculars and look at the stars; sit and talk by candlelight;
Explore your backyard by torchlight;
Have fun with sparklers; or just do something non-electric as a
Have a picnic-at-dusk; pretend you are camping; or have a candlelight
For more info on Earth Hour, check out
QY @ 10:00 pm
Thursday, March 22, 2007
HAHA WEIREN!! lmaorofl! YOU'RE WELCOME! haha although i think kaiqi almost died of my lameness while putting up the birthday message on the window. but kamqi ur post equally lame laa. rainer, go away, come again another day! lorraine, go to spain, and never come back again! HAHA.but dont play around with pple's names la. dam bad u know onot. worse to worst only can say ANDREW NEO CHEE TIONG BAHRU!WAHAHHAHAHA
victor @ 10:00 pm
kamqi! eh not me lah. term 1 was fine what. hahahaha freezing lah. and i realise something during holiday we always eh why never blog. but then there was barely anything to blog bout too. then now our blog is back in action! hahaha. good good. so it is not diminishing yet:) ah check this out. its this saturday. don't think can do it cos i need computer for project but its an interesting idea. but like those ideas like oh today everyone take bus don't take car thingum, don't think it'll work too well. weiren has those cheem quotes like "courage is blah blah blah...." kaiqi must post cos i know you memorised!
so, something i realised from my friend taking my brown-black pen:if i take something from you and
you don't notice, it is unnecessary
you miss it, its a want
you feel pain without it, its a need.
oh and there was this flyer in the art room. think bout it and the ans is below, highlight to see after you thought about it!
you are driving a car along this ulu road, you see by the road are 3 people.
1) the love of your life that you have not seen in a very long time but when you see the person again you realise that person is still the love of your life
2) your best friend, whom you've gone tru thick and thin with but have not seen in some time
3) an old lady who looks abused and in great pain and in need of immediate medical attention
your car can only fit 2 more pple. who will you choose to be in that car?
ans: ask your best friend to send the old lady to the hospital, you get out of the car and spend time with the love of your life:)
wabb:) @ 8:02 pm
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Hi everyone! Let's congratulate Ian, Linxi, Janice and, um, Tan Chen for getting into the campaigning stage of the council elections!
Wei Zhong @ 11:07 pm
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
weiren's lame thank-you message on the yahoogrps:
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for making today the kind of day it is! Yeah, thanks for singing the birthday song three times (once even in the lift, you LIFTed your voices up), you all really successfully DUG up my 5 feet deep fond memories of my choir days. Singing is nice. I know that YOU know that, that's why you all sang. Simple logic =)
Thank you for the announcement on the 3rd floor (i think mr rain cloud and friends saw it and was so happy for me, either that, or so sad that im one year older and 1 day nearer to the day when all we wonderful ppl part, that Mr Rain started crying, that's what he does best). Oh and all his friends mr thunderstorm, mr drizzle, mr shower, mr cats and dogs all started crying together!!!). I knew it would rain somehow, it started from my house... Thank you welfare reps =)
Dont mention it (in case any of you are thinking of saying you're welcome) ^^
(i didnt type that)
Take care,
Thanks again!!!
and again...
... see you tmr =)
damn lame lah. what mr rain?!?! yeah you're welcome. such a pity that it just had to rain that day and the whole school couldn't admire your nice name and what my nice printer printed out. must be because of rainer. ever since he came to our class, with the combined powers of rainer and lorraine, it has been raining EVERYDAY. oh man. so eugene, other people didn't get to see your name today as well. but nvm i think it'll still be there tmr. lorraine and rainer, stop making the rain come lah? kam? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
it's raining very heavily right now... perfect for a good sleep.
kaiqi @ 11:36 pm
Monday, March 19, 2007
HELLO! (:My first post here! (: I'll keep it short. It has been nice meeting you guys today! Hope to get to know you all better with time. Personally, I think our timetable kinda sucks because we hardly have any early days. Oh wells see you guys tml! :D
-[EuGeNe]- @ 11:35 pm
Saturday, March 17, 2007
So.. yes, this week flew past (and nobody blogged!!) and within 48 hours, we will be back in school again.Since almost ALL of you couldn't be down to watch Ernest and Skang play, I shall do them the favour and..TADA!Skang is the 1st seed (again!) for U17, and Ernest 4thAs usual, Ernest was trying to be funny during the game. Maybe that's why he lost la huh. And Skang is very tricky mm.. Not forgetting our dear senior who put on a good fight and got 4th too for u19 (:I think I'm doing too much publicizing but ahh ok when the rest of you have tournaments tell the class alright. We will be there to rahrah!P.S. To those who know who you are, START DOING YOUR WORK!!
linx @ 9:51 pm
Monday, March 12, 2007
What's that on those ears? How did they style their hair? Did they wear anything around their neck? How do they dress? What kind of shoe are they wearing? And what kind of shops do they walk into? What do they buy? What food do they order?
Class outings are excellent opportunities for further observation of all of you, and for experiencing you in a new way. The hectic nature of school life and the moulds school casts everyone into (especially in terms of appearance) make it difficult for observation of some parts of your selves to be made. Let everyone be in civvies, and you start to see football jerseys, gigantic earrings, high-heeled slippers and whatnot. Over a long period of time, I hope to be able to see your tastes, attitudes and personalities show through your dressing and behaviour. I hope to discover that part of you that is yourself, that part I am unable to discover through our dealings in school.
Through our interactions, I'm also able to look at how comfortable I am around all of you, and to have a go at engendering positive energetics between us. All this seems to be much easier through pool, bowling and over the dinner table than over our Economics notes or Physics tutorials.
Not every piece of interpersonal knowledge comes by easily, or even very rationally. In my search for classmates to be comfortable around and to trust, I find it difficult not to cling on to my initial impression of her obstinately, even when certain things have surfaced to present some reason to challenge this initial impression. Instinctively, I'm left wondering why I'm so reluctant to revise my opinion of her, and whether things would have been different were she any of my old friends. She knows of my opinion of her, so why is she giving me reasons to challenge it?
I wanted very much to resolve the uncertainties I encountered, as I sometimes do, with such interpersonal issues. By the end of the class outing, I felt an intense hunger, a craving to spend more time with my friends during the holidays, just to find out more about them and about others through them. But as I travelled back home on the train, I was reminded of my 10/25, and was left wondering again...
Wei Zhong @ 8:33 pm
Wei Zhong @ 7:36 pm
Sunday, March 11, 2007
today senior-junior class outing was fun! although not many pple turned up la. i arrived the earliest. 15 MIN EARLY somemore. as usual one by one came later den then the previous already late one. tanchen was early so wait wif him not boring at all.
bowling was junior vs senior, 6 vs 6. so its me ernest geks nadiah syaz tanchen vs mazlan boon seetoh patrick kangwei lemin. we got OWNED. haha becuz ernest's bomb ball not accurate enough. wasted ar bird?
during dinner at fishnco. the service was super suck. so weizhong went to take the flask of water to top up for us. when he was pouring halfway the waitress chiong to offer her help. den he said: 'eh wait, if i continue pouring, do i still need to pay for service charge?' HAHA. he ate his fish so fast when we asked him where's his fish, he said 'teleported away'. HAHAHA.
victor @ 11:59 pm
Saturday, March 10, 2007
[lorraine] says (11:02 PM): how do you keep an idiot waiting?
- samuel says (11:04 PM): hmm how?
[lorraine] says (11:09 PM): i tell you tmr
- samuel says (11:11 PM): WHAT?!?!?!?!
-samuel says (11:11 PM): eh say it la!
- samuel says (11:12 PM): OH SHIT IS THAT THE JOKE?
wabb:) @ 11:18 pm
Thursday, March 08, 2007
hello people! (:so today was orientation2. well it was damn boring! i think most OGs simple slacked around the areas they were supposed to take photos at. well i heard some watched movies but mine just walked around and ate the entire time. hahaha i feel fat and lazy now. OH during the MT house meeting, they played this game called "the biggest/weirdest/funniest... ____ (something)". So one round was "the highest pitched scream". Weizhong from MT3 went up and he let out one of his trademark screams and im pretty sure some of the glass outside cracked cos he owned all the girls totally la. haha and he won of course. that was really really funny cos he was damn pro and loud at the same time. omg i should have recorded it. well done weizhong! (:the moral of the story: MT ROCKS :Dokay see you guys tmr! ONE MORE DAY TO HOLIDAYS (:
skang @ 10:45 pm

ernestngshangen's unglam moments. HAHA
cranky @ 9:33 pm
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

aiyah not say much better. but yeps here it is. will upload to photobucket. as well as the skang&ian video which is taking super long to upload-.- and sad lah the kamqi and ahem one is too shaky not good. sry-laugh too hard. and nad! quick upload. i know your cam got a lot:)
wabb:) @ 10:12 pm
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

aiya this photo not nice la. yucong and wynne are half covered. haha lorraine quickly upload yours. ernest totally looks like a joke in that one.
and hoorah! holiday mood (:
The rest of the class photos
linx @ 11:24 pm
okay this is my 1st post, i was wondering how long i'll not post, well, i guess i'll wonder no more -.-
anyway, this is just a random thing which i found nice so yeah sharing it on this "bee ell oh gee". Haha
**How To Plant Your Garden**
First, you come to the garden alone,while the dew is still on the roses....
1. Peas of mind
2. Peas of heart
3. Peas of soul
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another
1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends
Yay now we all can be expert gardeners! No wonder the plants in RJC all so nice haha =)
Okay i guess that's all for my 1st post, few more to come (or maybe not few more). i dunno, really. only time can tell, but if you cant tell the time then time cant tell. but i can tell the time so time can tell. haha, that's why i decide when my next post comes, if it ever does =) [hmm that sounded cheem but cool] YAY ^^
Hmm what else to say.... NOTHING
Alright till the next post =P
Take care
w.e.i.r.e.n @ 10:13 pm
Monday, March 05, 2007
Wow Pei Zhi. I think you shouldn't be taking gp. KI's the better route for you. Such an intellectual entry.Anyway, I'M HIGH today! No prizes for guessing why. Hahaha! MAXELL TOTALLY ROCKS! Actually I think it's because Kamel helped us with the last trial against the bunnies that we won. He could have chosen not to mention to the judges that the bunnies went off track at the end. It was so slightly off track it wouldn't have mattered much. Maybe Kamel is nice after all! :)Thanks to Pei Zhi for lending us the weird glue thing that makes people go high if you sniff it. Forgot what's the name. Oh yar! Deproxy? You know it sounds like some computer system. Pei Zhi's not even in our group and she helped us make our wheels... So nice right? And thanks to Ian too for basically doing most of the building part. He deserves most of the credit right from the start. And yep, he definitely should have been the one shaking that dsta guest's hand and being recorded on film for his efforts. Kudos to you Ian! :DOh by the way who loves books and wants to get it from borders can come find me! I know Kellyn's craving for 20 bucks already. I guess I'm not that bookaholic to use up the 120 bucks each of us got. Yup so thought of sharing it with the class. But in case of huge demand, cuz price = 0, do note that of course must at least save some for me!That will do some revision for econs test tomorrow. JIAYOUS for tomorrow's test k? Apparently ernest knows ALL THE QUESTIONS already. PRO. So tomorrow you're going to get full marks (or close to that) and surprise mr neo right? But next time must practise integrity... tell your friend if he wants to tell you stuff about the test, at least tell you the answers. All questions no answers how can? Oh oops I don't think that was funny. I give myself -infinity or something.Alright. Going to mug for econs now. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
stacko wacko @ 9:29 pm
joke of the day: (10/10)
ernest, samuel and mark were talking about a guy in the canteen.
mark: he damn shuai lah.ernest: then i not shuai ah?mark: even you me samuel combined also get thrashed.samuel: yeah, plus tanchen also get you bring in tanchen for what?!samuel: oh yeah that one is to subtract away.HAHAHAHAHAHAAA.
tanchen you can take a joke right? xD don't worry lah, his self esteem so damn high, won't get insulted one.
kaiqi @ 9:15 pm
(posted by peizhi in the yahoogroups. thought it'd be a nice addition to our blog.)
ehh this post is probably way more suited for the class blog but I'm lousy at computers and I can't be bothered to figure out how to get in.
it occurred to me that beetles probably prefer feeding on maple leaves than ivy. tastes sweeter I suppose. yes? no? yes?
computer says nooooo.....
pity. still, can't have everything.
(bet that no one knows where that's from ><)
still, african great horned beetles are probably the best example of survival of the fittest. they thrived even when the sky fell down right on their heads. even had the spare time to stick a pig.
a few pigs in fact.
the smell of blood must have been amazing.
then again, I suppose that they didn't appreciate the beauty of it all. silly herbivorous meat-eaters.
someone should lend them an umbrella next time.
funny. how did the word umbrella come up in the first place? can't think of any other word in the english language which is remotely similar.
not like english ever makes sense. just like knitting. who ever managed to come up with a way to string knots together in so neat a fashion? and how about crochet? and lace-making? (lacing sounds wrong...) weaving and sewing are much more intuitive.
baskets are pretty. but you hardly use them now. not in this day and age. technology has left us with a nice, clean, sterile world.
no more chaos. life stops.
the last line looked funny. I don't know why.
but existence is meaningless without a soul, no? hate doing things which you don't love.
what was the quote from AI? something about love is when your heart beats faster... some very mechanical definition. very nice.
I think I'm disturbing people again.
(sorry to those who are disturbed)
our class is underlying sane. but I don't really want it to change.
nursery rhymes are violent. do you think that babies would like it if they knew that the lullaby was about how they'll fall tumbling to the ground?
maybe they would actually. we don't know. we don't even know how babies think.
don't think!
strange that we talk of babies like they're foreign, alien beings. we talk of adulthood with more familiarity than we talk about babies. which is odd since all of us were babies but none of us are adults yet.
maybe we just don't want to admit that we were once so helpless.
why am I typing this post at all? it doesn't make sense.
going to click the send button soon.
kaiqi @ 9:00 pm
Saturday, March 03, 2007
HAHA i just remembered a joke. something that happened yesterday
we were shopping for shoes at queensway. and ernest pointed out a brightly coloured shoe to victor.
ernest: this shoe's nice
victor: wah very extravagant leh (he meant to say outstanding)
HAHAHA see the use of english. i've found someone worse than me :) wongbadan! go improve your english lah. wait, chinese too!
cranky @ 5:01 pm
read this somewhere
Element Name: WOMAN
Symbol: WO
Atomic Weight: (don't even go there!)
Physical properties: Generally round in form. Boils at nothing and may freeze any time. Melts whenever treated properly. Very bitter if not used well.
Chemical properties: Very active. Often unstable. Possesses strong affinity for gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones. Violent when left alone. Able to absorb great amounts of exotic food. Turns slightly green when placed next to a better specimen.
Usage: Highly ornamental. An extremely good catalyst for dispersion of wealth. Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known.
Caution: Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.Labels: jokes
cranky @ 3:35 pm
Friday, March 02, 2007
haha i koped POST NO. 50!well done 5b we're at a milestone!joke to share:There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour. Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry." "No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away." "I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison."
victor @ 10:57 pm