Saturday, August 25, 2007

Public domain photograph

25 August 1958: Sales of the world's first instant noodle product, Chikin Rāmen, began in Japan. It was the product of entrepreneur Ando Momofuku's one-year invention process. Today, 46 billion servings of instant noodles are consumed worldwide every year.

Wei Zhong @ 1:09 am


Friday, August 17, 2007

If Life Were Like A Computer:

You could add/remove someone in your life using the control panel.

You could put your kids in the recycle bin and restore them when you feel like it!

You could improve your appearance by adjusting the display settings.

You could turn off the speakers when life gets too noisy.

You could click on “find” (Ctrl, F) to recover your lost remote control and car keys.

To get your daily exercise, just click on "run"!

If you mess up your life, you could always press "Ctrl, Alt, Delete" and start all over!

cranky @ 8:14 pm


Monday, August 13, 2007

If you have noticed, 3/4 or 21 people in class have already passed their birthdays this year, leaving seven rather youthful souls who can still sing to the tune of "i am sixteen, going on seventeen..."

These seven lucky souls are, according to chronological order:
stoney wei zhi, lame fizah, crappy me, crazy pagey, cute syaz, suaning-machine kellynn and spastic skang. Pardon the adjectives inserted before each person's name. Haha they just happen to be the first word(s) I associate these people to.

So based on your age, how immature are you? Take the immaturity test now! I got 27% hmm and am not very proud of it ><

Here goes:
[ ] You have eaten fish food.
[ ] You have eaten dog food.
[ ] You have eaten cat food.
[ ] You have run into a glass door.
[ ] You have eaten an ant.
[ ] You have eaten grass.
[ ] You have licked a tree.
[ ] You have polka dotted underwear.
[ ] You have pink underwear.
[ ] You had contests with your friends to see who can create the nastiest burp.
[ ] You have screamed a random word in public.
[ ] You wave at people you don't know.
[ ] You have flushed the toilet because you were bored.
[ ] You have slapped yourself out of boredom.
[ ] You sing the "FUN" song. (personally I don't know what's that)
[ ] You hold conversations with a pillow, blanket, stuffed animal etc.
[ ] You have / sing karaoke even though you know you're horrible.
[ ] You know how to spell "supercallifragalisticespialadosious" by heart.
[ ] You make up your own words and use them with people who have no clue what they mean.
[ ] You have striped socks and you have worn them so people can see them.
[ ] You hugged a random person.
[ ] You have ran up and down the stairs because you were bored.
[ ] You have created a puppet show with your socks out of boredom.
[ ] You have imagined people saying "bla" and blowing up.
[ ] You are addicted to the Anamaniacs theme song.
[ ] You are addicted to "The Pinky and the Brain" theme song.
[ ] You have stared at the ceiling for over 10 minutes.
[ ] You have talked to yourself.
[ ] You have conversations with your imaginary friends.

Multiply your answers by 3. That's your immaturity percentage.

Caution: Accuracy not verfied, so take the results light-heartedly! :)

stacko wacko @ 6:45 pm


Monday, August 06, 2007

Hiroshima, in the aftermath of the 6 August 1945 atomic bombing
Source: Office of Information, US Navy. Public domain.

The government of Japan, the world's only A-bombed nation, is duty-bound to humbly learn the philosophy of the hibakusha [victims of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki] along with the facts of the atomic bombings and to spread this knowledge through the world. At the same time, to abide by international law and fulfill its good-faith obligation to press for nuclear weapons abolition, the Japanese government should take pride in and protect, as is, the Peace Constitution, while clearly saying "No," to obsolete and mistaken U.S. policies. We further demand, on behalf of the hibakusha whose average age now exceeds 74, improved and appropriate assistance, to be extended also to those living overseas or exposed in "black rain areas."

Sixty-two years after the atomic bombing, we offer today our heartfelt prayers for the peaceful repose of all its victims and of Iccho Itoh, the mayor of Nagasaki shot down on his way toward nuclear weapons abolition. Let us pledge here and now to take all actions required to bequeath to future generations a nuclear-weapon-free world.

—Akiba Tadatoshi, Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan, in his 2007 Hiroshima Peace Declaration Aiming for a nuclear weapon-free world, delivered this morning. Translation at MSN-Mainichi.

Wei Zhong @ 11:02 pm


Warning: randomness ahead

It was a HAPPY afternoon today!

66.7% of the class handed in math assignment 6 today, and most did without me asking them to hand it in. Oh but wei zhong did say that there were only two questions to do anyway. Haha then again, in any case, it's an ACHIEVEMENT!

Seven out of eight people turned up for PE.

And our class totally owned at floorball again! If jan and geks were in our group we'll own even more!

Whee. Okay happy happy! Buhbye.

stacko wacko @ 8:34 pm



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